Buttonwood Beach Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 210, Earleville, MD 21919







Sec. 1 The name of this organization at Buttonwood Beach, Earleville, Maryland, shall be known as the Buttonwood Beach Association, Inc., a nonprofit social organization hereafter referred to as the BBA.


Sec. 1  The purpose of the BBA shall be to act in the best interest of its general membership and to promote goodwill and fellowship among its members and guests by raising funds to sponsor recreational and social activities  for both adults and youths.

Sec. 2 The Association, as per R & M Enterprises directives, shall have no authority to make capital improvements to the facilities of Buttonwood Beach.


Sec. 1 All lessees (including sub-lessees) of sites at Buttonwood Beach are eligible for membership upon payment of annual dues determined by the BBA general membership. The fiscal year shall be from October 1 through September 30 of the following year.

Sec. 2  BBA membership includes the right to vote, to hold one elected office, be a Row Captain, and to serve on committees. Voting shall be limited to one (1) vote per site. “Multi-site” owners are limited to one membership. In cases where a site is sub- leased, the sub-lessee (renter) has the ability to become a member of the BBA upon payment of yearly membership dues and would have a voting right in the organization.

Sec. 3   Should a member continue to act contrary to the best interest of the BBA, despite warnings from the President to cease such behavior, that member may lose his or her membership upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors, at a properly called meeting. Dues will not be refunded.


Sec. 1 Board of Directors, consisting of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Programs Director.

Sec. 2  The President who reports to the Board of Directors.

Sec. 3  The Vice President, who reports to the President

Sec. 4  Secretary, who reports to the President.

Sec. 5  The Treasurer, who reports to the President

Sec. 6  The Programs Director who reports to the President

Sec. 7  Budget Committee, consisting of the Programs Director and the Treasurer, and reporting to the President.

Sec. 8  Ad Hoc Committees, such as By-Laws, and special committees, all reporting to the President.

Sec. 9  Audit Committee, consisting of three (3) elected members, reporting to the Board of Directors.


Sec. 1  The Board of Directors, chaired by the President, shall meet as required to plan, and carry out funding events and activities..  They shall meet prior to and at the Memorial Day general membership meeting, to review, finalize, and approve the anticipated activities program and expenditures. They will meet as required to monitor and add input to our programs and will meet prior to and at the Labor Day general membership meeting, will review the Audit Committee report, as well as discuss and approve an estimated income and spending plan for next year.

Sec. 2  Decisions made by the Board of Directors shall require an affirmative vote by a majority of its members present.

Sec. 3  The Board of Directors shall maintain and regularly check an established Post Office Box in Earleville, MD for receipt of correspondence for the Association.


Sec. 1  The Elected officers shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Programs director.

Sec. 2  The officers shall each hold office for a two (2) year term.

Sec. 3  Officers may be elected to successive terms.

Sec. 4  Officers and Audit committee shall be elected bi-annually, on even numbered years, by the BBA membership during the Labor Day General Membership meeting, immediately following the general business, from nominations  made from the floor.  Officers and Audit Committee will immediately assume office, in order to affect a logical transition of duties.

Sec. 5 The outgoing President, and or Vice President, if such is a fact, will be carried over as a non-voting member of next year’s Board of Directors.

Sec. 6 If an Officer is unable to fulfill his or her term, then a replacement shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 7 If an Officer conducts his or herself in a totally unacceptable manner in regard to the best interest of the BBA, the General Membership, by a simple majority vote, may remove that Officer from office.


Sec. 1 The President shall preside at all BBA meetings.

Sec. 2 The President shall establish Ad Hoc committees as necessary and be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Sec. 3 The President shall appoint all Row Captains, who shall serve indefinite terms. The President has the authority to dismiss a row captain for just cause, after consulting with other row captains, and members of the row.

Sec. 4 The President, with the assistance of the Vice President and Programs Director, shall establish a calendar of events and present it at the Memorial Day weekend meeting of the general membership.

Sec. 5 Based upon recommendations by the Budget Committee, the President shall submit an income and spending plan for approval by the Board of Directors at their Labor Day weekend meeting.

Sec. 6 The President shall give an annual report at the Labor Day weekend meeting of the general membership, listing past activities, accomplishments, committee activities and reports. This report shall include the estimated income and spending plan for the next year, as well as a summary of performance versus the current budget.

Sec. 7 In the absence of the President, the Line of succession shall be the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Programs Director.



Sec. 1 The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume the responsibilities of the President to carry out the purpose of the BBA.

Sec. 2 The Vice President shall be responsible for the activities of the Row Captains.


Sec. 1 The Secretary shall accurately record and read the minutes of all BBA meetings.

Sec. 2 The Secretary shall prepare all BBA correspondence for the President’s signature.

Sec. 3 The Secretary shall set up and maintain appropriate files, including BBA copies of membership cards and membership lists.

Sec. 4 The Secretary is responsible for reproducing correspondence, reports, and notice on a timely basis.


Sec. 1 The Treasurer shall collect, properly receipt, record and deposit all income in a local bank approved by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 2 The Treasurer shall properly record and pay by check only, countersigned by the President or Vice President, bills approved by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 3 The Treasurer shall report all income and expenditures, including cash balance on hand at all General membership meetings and at all other meetings upon request, the Memorial Day, Fourth of July (if held) and Labor Day weekends general membership meetings, and at other special meetings upon request.

Sec. 4 The Treasurer, working with the Programs Director as a budget committee shall review funding requirements for all planned activities, events, operating costs and shall use this information as the basis for preparing an income and spending proposal for the following year. This proposal shall be submitted to the President at least two weeks prior to the Labor Day weekend meeting of the BBA.

Sec. 5 The Treasurer shall practice all customary accounting methods and procedures approved or acceptable by the IRS. The Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount determined to be sufficient by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 6 The Treasurer shall make the financial records available to the Audit Committee and perform other related duties as required.

Sec. 7 The Treasurer shall forward to the Secretary all BBA Membership Cards submitted by the Row Captains.

Sec. 8 The Treasurer shall compile and maintain a list of all assets of the Association. 


Sec. 1 The Programs Director shall plan, recommend, and carry out approved programs and events within approved available funding and estimated future income.

Sec. 2 The Programs Director shall work with the Treasurer, as a Budget Committee, in preparing a proposed income and spending plan to realistically meet program needs as well as the estimated operating costs of the BBA. The plan is due for submission to the President at least two (2) weeks prior to the Board of Directors meeting on the Labor Day weekend.

Sec. 3 The Programs Director shall report at the Labor Day weekend meeting all activities and events planned for the following summer and cost estimate for each item.

Sec. 4 The Programs Director shall appoint a chairperson to carry out each event within the approved funding for the event.


Sec. 1 Row Captains are appointed by the President, for indefinite terms, and report to the Vice President.

Sec. 2 Row Captains collect dues from each site and submit the monies, and BBA Membership Cards  to the  Treasurer.

Sec. 3 Row Captains, on a timely basis, distribute notices and other communications

Sec. 4 Row Captains report to the President or Vice President any suggestion, compliment or matter of concern expressed by row members.


Sec. 1 Committees are established by the President as necessary to help carry out the affairs of the BBA.

Sec. 2 The Committee chairpersons are appointed by the President, with the exception of the following committees.

A. Committees formed by and reporting directly to the Programs Director to help carry out specific approved events such as      Christmas in July, Bingo, Pig Roast, Fishing Tournament, etc.

B. The Audit Committee, consisting of three (3) members nominated and elected at the Labor Day weekend election meeting, which meets with the Treasurer to review the propriety of the BBA budget and financial records. This committee will submit a written report to the Board of Directors by August 20th. The Audit Committee will serve for two (2) years

Sec. 3 Other committees shall be appointed by the President as required, such as a By-Laws Review Committee.


Sec. 1 The BBA shall elect its officers at a bi-annual Labor Day weekend election meeting from a slate of candidates nominated from the floor. No two (2) members from the same site may hold an elected office.

Sec. 2 Members holding active dues cards on election day are eligible to vote. Members must be present at the voting place in order to cast their vote. There will be no absentee ballots.

Sec. 3 The President shall appoint in advance an impartial Election Committee whose function is to plan the logistics of the election.

Sec. 4 The Secretary shall provide a list of eligible voters to the Election Committee.

Sec. 5 The results of the election shall be announced as soon as possible after the voting is finished. The ballots shall be secured pending any challenges. Unused ballots will be immediately destroyed.

Sec. 6 Only the candidates may challenge an election result. This shall be done by announcing to the Chairman of the Election Committee that he/she wished an immediate recount. Results of the recount will be announced as soon as possible.

Sec. 7 After allowing for a challenge from the candidate and if no challenge, upon a motion from the floor, the election results will be accepted, and the ballots destroyed immediately.

Sec. 8 The Secretary shall prepare two official lists of the newly elected officers. One will be posted and communicated and the other added to the BBA files.

Sec. 9 The newly elected officers and audit committee shall take office immediately, in an orderly transition.


Sec. 1 The General membership shall meet a minimum on the Saturdays of Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends in the Pavilion beginning at 10 A.M. Should some emergency prevent a meeting, a rain date meeting will be held as soon as practical.

Sec. 2 The Board of Directors will meet prior to and at the Memorial Day, and Labor Day general Membership meetings, and as otherwise required to carry out their functions.

Sec. 3 Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 4 Notice for all meetings should be distributed or posted at least two (2) weeks ahead of time whenever possible.

Sec. 5 Quorums at General Membership meetings shall consist of at least five (5) percent of the BBA membership, in a properly called or scheduled meeting.

Sec. 6 A majority of attending members at a properly called or scheduled meeting shall be required for decisions concerning the BBA’s business.


Sec. 1 The President shall appoint a special By-Laws Review Committee consisting of at least three (3) members whenever a need develops for changing the By-Laws.

Sec. 2 By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3rds) affirmative vote of the members attending the meeting, provided that thirty (30) days advance notice is posted on our bulletin boards, and  copies of the proposed changes be made available to any member upon request of any BBA Officer, as well as available to all members at the scheduled meeting. Changes may be amended and approved on the floor.

Sec. 3 BBA By-Laws and amendments shall always be consistent with R & M Enterprises, Inc. lease agreements, including applicable R & M rules and regulations. The BBA should not assume responsibility for enforcement of such rules and regulation or lease agreements.


Sec. 1 It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that the affairs of the BBA are conducted in a financially responsible manner. Towards that end, the following guidelines are in integral part of these By-Laws:

A. The Audit Committee will review the income and expenditures of the BBA annually.

B. The President, only, is authorized to spend up to $300.00 per year for expenses not included in the approved budget.

C. The BBA will, at all times, retain a minimum of $500.00 in its bank account.

D. Any member in good standing, and in good faith, may request in writing an appointment with the Treasurer to review the financial records of the BBA. The request should show just cause for such an appointment in light of the fact that an Audit Committee is already assigned this task.

Sec. 2 For those programs which raise money, the chairperson is expected to keep detailed records of funds received and disbursed. Net proceeds are to be counted by two (2) officers and given to the Treasurer.

Sec. 3 For those programs that only spend money, the chairperson should have a clear understanding of the budgeted money and keep detailed records and receipts for the

Treasurer’s records.

Sec. 4 With respect to collection and accountability of membership dues, the following shall apply:

A. Dues and cards (paid and unpaid) collected by Row Captains will be given to the Treasurer who will then be able to account for all cards and maintain a list of all active members.


Sec. 1 ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (REVISED) shall be the authority for the conducting all BBA meetings for anything not specifically provided for in these By-Laws.


August 31, 2019